This workshop has already been great! The Driskill Hotel is fabulous! This morning, I have already learned how to participate in a very unique learning environment called Second Life and created this blog. Very nice eXtension!
Why I am posting about this at 4:00 AM escapes me at the moment, but I have to comment on my Second Life. Okie Walpole (that's SL me) was wandering around a virtual county fair a few years back. I went into a dance and was trying to figure out "how to do it" like the others. People kept asking me to dance. I thought I was getting the hang of it, when out of the blue, I kept getting a message of "inappropriate touching" and was referred to group norms link. I have no clue if I was doing it to someone or if someone was doing it to me, but I was outta there and haven't been back!
Why I am posting about this at 4:00 AM escapes me at the moment, but I have to comment on my Second Life. Okie Walpole (that's SL me) was wandering around a virtual county fair a few years back. I went into a dance and was trying to figure out "how to do it" like the others. People kept asking me to dance. I thought I was getting the hang of it, when out of the blue, I kept getting a message of "inappropriate touching" and was referred to group norms link. I have no clue if I was doing it to someone or if someone was doing it to me, but I was outta there and haven't been back!