Monday, October 18, 2010

Good, Bad and Fake Extra Points

The Jackets lost a heartbreaker to Southaven. They were down 28 to 21 and scored on a great pass by Jacquez Johnson and an even better catch by Shaquille Hill. Then, eschewing a game-tying extra point, the Jackets ran a fake to try to win the game with a two-point conversion. (Southaven had blocked an extra point earlier in the game.) Southaven sniffed it out, however, and kept Daniel Fumo out of the endzone. Southaven recovered the onside kick to finish it out at 28 to 27.
SDN Article

We knew Ben was interviewed for this October 1 article, but had not seen it until today. (Thanks for the email about it, Ben!)
Columbus Dispatch Article

1 comment:

  1. Look at Michael... breaking out "eschewing"

    Nice article about Ben!
